Thank you for participating in the project.
How would you rate the overall success of the project?
1 = Very Poor & 5 = Excellent
We are sorry to hear that.
What were the main issues with the project?
Thank you for your feedback.
What could have been improved in the project?
We'd like to hear your feedback!
How can we improve future projects?
Thank you for your feedback.
What should we improve to make future projects excellent?
We appreciate your positive feedback!
Project Planning
How would you rate the planning phase of the project?
1 = Very Poor & 5 = Excellent
Team Collaboration
How would you rate the collaboration among team members?
1 = Very Poor & 5 = Excellent
How would you rate the communication throughout the project?
1 = Very Poor & 5 = Excellent
Resource Allocation
How would you rate the allocation of resources for the project?
1 = Very Poor & 5 = Excellent
Timeline Management
How would you rate the management of the project timeline?
1 = Very Poor & 5 = Excellent
Project Outcome
How satisfied are you with the project outcome?
1 = Very Dissatisfied & 5 = Very Satisfied